Don’t let just anybody work on your computer without following these 5 tips

Tip 1: Do your research on the company. Check how long they have been in business by searching the name of the company on the internet. Check if they have a Facebook, Yelp, Twitter or Google+ page and read the reviews. If they don’t have reviews you may consider choosing another company.

Tip 2: If they have reviews, contact one of their customers from the review and inquire about their experience and the level of customer service they received.

Tip 3: If the reviews are favorable call the company and share the problem and ask about their labor rates.

Tip 4: If the rates are within your budget ask how they plan to resolve the problem. 

Tip 5: Do not pay for repairs in advance and do not purchase a block of pre-paid hours.

Many companies will try to convince you that you have a virus in order to sell you a block of prepaid hours that you may never use.